Even though I have been working with SWMF for five years, I will forget how to use it after leaving it for a while or the latest development introduce some breaking changes to the setups. This manual serves as a reference for myself and also other interesting researchers on how to reproduce the simulation.
The installation is thoroughly described in the official document. The following assumes you have a basic understanding of running a model in SWMF.
In principle, the GM module can run alone without compiling the PC module until the coupling is required. However in practice I recommend run with the coupled executable from start to prevent further work in changing the parameter file at a later stage.
After SWMF is successfully installed,
./Config.pl -v=Empty,PC/FLEKS,GM/BATSRUS -amrex
./Config.pl -o=GM:g=8,8,8,ng=2,u=Ganymede,e=MhdHypPe
If the syntaxes change in the future, you can check how it is configured in Makefile.test
The run can be split into multiple stages:
steady state ideal MHD
quasi-steady state Hall MHD
time-accurate (time-dependent) Hall MHD
time-accurate (time-dependent) MHD-EPIC
It is not necessary to strictly follow this order: we do this only to speed things up assuming that the same solution will be reached given the same initial and boundary condition, no matter which timestepping mode or which numerical model is chosen in the intermediate stages. The validity of this statement is hard to prove mathematically, but based on practical experience it generally works pretty well. An analogy to this would be the steady state in a Markov chain: you are guaranteed to stay in the steady state once you reach it, but it is not guaranteed that you will reach the steady state from an arbirary state, even though for many cases it does.
Name Root Last Stride
GM 0 99999 1
PC 0 99999 1
Ganymede NamePlanet
2634000 RadiusPlanet [m]
1.4819E+23 MassPlanet [kg]
0.0 OmegaPlanet [radian/s]
0.0 TiltRotation [degree]
4. MagAxisThetaGeo [degree]
291.05 MagAxisPhiGeo [degree]
-718.55E-9 DipoleStrength [T]
F UseRotation
F DoTimeAccurate
T DoSaveRestart
2000 DnSaveRestart
-1.0 DtSaveRestart
! Restart header for SWMF
RESTART.in NameRestartFile
20000.0 CpuTimeMax
T DoCheckStop
1000 DnCheckStop
-1.0 DtCheckStop
200 DnShowProgressShort
2000 DnShowProgressLong
PC NameComp
F UseComp
#BEGIN_COMP GM --------------------------------------------------------------
! Restart header for GM
T UseHyperbolicDivb
150.0 SpeedHypDim
0.1 HypDecay
GSE TypeCoordinate
T UseBody
0.5 rBody [rPlanet]
3.5 rCurrents [rPlanet]
39 BodyNDim [/cc]
2.32e5 BodyTDim [K]
14.0 FluidMass [amu]
1.0 AverageIonCharge [e]
1.0/18.0 ElectronTemperatureRatio
0.001 ErrorMaxKrylov
100 MaxMatvecKrylov
0.001 pMinDim
0.001 PeMinDim for electron pressure
0.1 RhoMinDim
F UseNonConservative
0 nConservCrit
one TypeRestartOutFile
grid structure---------------------------------------------------------------
spherical_lnr TypeGeometry
10 nRootBlockX
8 nRootBlockY
8 nRootBlockZ
-100 xMin
100 xMax
-100 yMin
100 yMax
-100 zMin
100 zMax
0.5 rMin
174.0 rMax > (sqrt(100^2+100^2+100^2))
3 nLevelArea
initial NameArea
3 nLevelArea
box_gen TypeRegion
1.1 rmin xMinBox
0.0 LonMin yMinBox
-65.0 LatMin zMinBox
3.0 rmax xMaxBox
360.0 LonMax yMaxBox
65.0 LatMax zMaxBox
1 nLevelArea
box_gen TypeRegion
5.0 rmin
-70.0 LonMin
35.0 LatMin
15.0 rmax
70.0 LonMax
65.0 Latmax
1 nLevelArea
box_gen TypeRegion
5.0 rmin
-70.0 LonMin
-35.0 LatMin
15.0 rmax
70.0 LonMax
-65.0 LatMax
end grid structure-----------------------------------------------------------
fixedb1 TypeCellBc1
none TypeCellBc2
periodic TypeCellBc3
periodic TypeCellBc4
periodic TypeCellBc5
periodic TypeCellBc6
fixed TypeBcXmin
fixed TypeBcXmax
float TypeBcYmin
float TypeBcYmax
float TypeBcZmin
float TypeBcZmax
coord1max xminbox xmaxbox StringBoundary
56.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Rho
140.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Ux
0.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Uy
0.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Uz
-10.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Bx
-6.0 BoundaryStateDim_V By
-86.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Bz
0.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Hyp
0.2 BoundaryStateDim_V Pe
3.6 BoundaryStateDim_V p
T UseSolidState
user TypeBcSolid
sphere TypeSolidGeometry
1.0 rSolid
5e-3 SolidLimitDt
end BC-----------------------------------------------------------------------
T UseResistivity
user TypeResistivity
0.0 Eta0Si
+init +ic +source StringSwitch
#USERINPUTBEGIN -------------------------------------------------------------
5 nResistivePoints
1.05 Radius
0.0 Resistivity
0.95 Radius
6e11 Resistivity
0.7 Radius
6e11 Resistivity
0.65 Radius
6e9 Resistivity
0.55 Radius
0.0 Resistivity
8.0e6 NeutralDensity (cm^-3)
250 ScaleHeight (km)
2.2e-8 IonizationRate (1/s)
2e-15 CollisionCrossSection (cm2)
#USERINPUTEND --------------------------------------------------------------
2 nStage
0.8 CflExlp
2 nOrder (1 or 2)
Sokolov TypeFlux (Roe, Rusanov, Linde, Sokolov)
mc3 TypeLimiter
1.2 LimiterBeta
T UseSemiImplicit
resistivity TypeSemiImplicit
T DoSaveLogfile
RAW StringLogfile
1 DnSaveLogfile
-1. DtSaveLogfile
T DoSaveTecBinary
3 nPlotFiles
y=0 VAR idl StringPlot
5000 DnSavePlot
-1. DtSavePlot
-1. Dx
{MHD} b1x b1y b1z divb eta NameVars
{default} NamePars
box VAR idl StringPlot
10000 DnSavePlot
-1. DtSavePlot
GSE TypeCoord
-1.29 x0
0.74 y0
0.7225 z0
0.57 xLen
1/32 dX
8.832 yLen
1/32 dY
0.147 zLen
1/32 dZ
0. xAngle
0. yAngle
0. zAngle
bx by bz NameVars
{default} NamePars
3d MHD tcp StringPlot
50000 DnSavePlot
-1.0 DtSavePlot
#END_COMP GM --------------------------------------------------------------
30000 MaxIteration
There are several things worth noticing here:
Since DoTimeAccurate = F
, all the corresponding time check parameters must switch to Dn
but not Dt
, i.e. parameters with Dt
prefix must be negative and parameters with Dn
prefix must be positive integers. This affects the restart control commands SAVERESTART
as well as output command SAVEPLOT
together controls the running time, and may cause the simulation to stop gracefully before the time you request in a job.
command is first turned on and then off to set the rBody
. It will be recorded as a parameter in the output file that may be useful for plotting, but it won't affect anything in the simulation.
command sets the average mass for the single fluid model, and the initial electron-ion temerature ratio that may change later as a function of time.
command sets the parameters for the semi-implicit solver. There is a similar command KRYLOV
with identical input arguments for setting parameters for the full implicit solver.
are used to avoid small discrete timesteps, which is a common trick in MHD and hybrid models. Physically, if the plasma density goes really low, the fluid description may fail to accurately represent the charged particles, which is my explanation of justifying these seemingly arbitrary thresholds. Having one uniform model to describe phenonemon across a wide range of scales is an impossible mission.
Conservative vs. non-Conservative scheme: the former may be better at resolving shocks and discontinuities, as it follows the same path as the classical RH relation. This is not a critical factor.
is a useful command for specifying the total number of blocks in the simulation for preallocating memory on each MPI process. There is a default value but it may just waste memory for your grid setup. Unfortunately it is not practical to know the total number of blocks before you run the model. What I usually do is first run the model once to get the total number of block counts, and then set this number slightly larger than that accordingly.
command is used for setting AMR. One important control factor lies in the initial
NameArea: the number listed here is the maximum level of AMR you can get, no matter what you specify later in each TypeRegion.
It takes time for one to get used to the boundary settings. The official document of BATSRUS or PARAM.XML
provides a detailed description of how these commands work together.
command is a trick to solve only the magnetic diffusion-like equation in the mantle region. It looks pretty ugly in the code, so it is likely that this fragile part will potentially break in the future. Here in the steady state run, the useful parameter is SolidLimitDt
, which provides a fixed timestep for the mantle cells for updating the magnetic field. The value listed here is only from experience, which tries to be close to the timestep in the MHD domain cell with 2 levels of refinement as prescribed with the above AMR settings right next to the surface. In the time dependent run, this parameter doesn't have an effect.
command, we specify the user
type resistivity, which is implemented in user_set_resistivity
There are several customized input arguments specified in ModUserGanymede
gives the initial settings for B and U;
sets a fixed resistivity profile as a function of planet radius;
sets the parameters related to the ionospheric inner boundary I was testing before AGU2020. Details can be found in other pages;
sets the B, U, P values at the moon's surface. Definitely I cannot tell what 3 means even I wrote it myself...
may help to overcome the tiny timestep issue at the polar cells. 1 means merge 2 cells into 1 in terms of updating.
determines whether or not to output at the beginning of the run. I set to false often because during restarts we don't need to save the same snapshot once again.
command, several things may go wrong:
The first number, nPlotFiles
, specifies how many output files there will be. It happens many time that I write a number smaller than the actual number of outputs I list afterwards so that some files are missing.
The box output is what I used to plot the G8 magnetic field comparisons. Saving it within a box has the advantage of shifting it slightly to get potentially better comparison. However, I think this is no longer necessary, so the SATELLITEFILE
command may be a better substitution.
It is allowed to have multiple sessions in one PARAM.in file, separated with the #RUN
command. After the local timestepping ideal MHD is finished, what I would do is to create another input file with the following added to the end to the previous PARAM.in:
1 MaxIteration
-1.0 tSimulationMax
#BEGIN_COMP GM ------------------------------------------------------------
T UseHallResist (rest of parameters read only if true)
1.0 HallFactorMax
0.1 HallCmaxFactor
+hallbox -hallsphere -polars
hallbox NameRegion
box tapered NameHallRegion
-4 xMinBox
-4 yMinBox
-4 zMinBox
4 xMaxBox
4 yMaxBox
4 zMaxBox
0.5 Taper
hallsphere NameRegion
sphere0 tapered StringShape
1.05 Radius
0.05 Taper
polars NameRegion
doubleconez0 tapered StringShape
12 Height
2.0 Radius
0.2 Taper
#END_COMP GM --------------------------------------------------------------
30000 MaxIteration
-1.0 tSimulationMax
Also, remember to turn on the two INCLUDE
commands, one for obtaining the restart files for SWMF, the other for GM.
command is required at the end of the ideal MHD session due to an unknown bug related to restart in Hall MHD local timestepping mode. Hopefully someone will solve this in the future.
Usually 30000 steps is more than enough for the transition.
To link the restart files,
if you haven't postprocessed the previous run into another folder. If you have already done ./PostProc.pl RESULT/run_ideal
, then instead
./Restart.pl -i RESULT/run_ideal
Just change all the forementioned Dn
, Dt
parameters together with TIMEACCURATE
There are a bunch of new commands for coupling with PIC. Check the latest version and the manual!
Here is the PARAM.in file that I use for running MHD-EPIC with iPIC3D for G28 in the paper:
T DoEcho
Time accurate run for Ganymede G28 flyby with MhdHypPe.
Jovian plasma condition based on observations
face-based innerBC
Ganymede NamePlanet
2634000 RadiusPlanet [m]
1.4819E+23 MassPlanet [kg]
0.0 OmegaPlanet [radian/s]
0.0 TiltRotation [degree]
2.0284 MagAxisThetaGeo [degree]
319.3449 MagAxisPhiGeo [degree]
-717.2494E-9 DipoleStrength [T]
Alternative description
175.63 MagAxisThetaGeo [degree]
109.162 MagAxisPhiGeo [degree]
718.895E-9 DipoleStrength [T]
! The "absorb" BC is not compatible with a co-rotating BC
F UseRotation
T DoTimeAccurate
T DoSaveRestart
-50000 DnSaveRestart
10. DtSaveRestart
! Restart header for SWMF
RESTART.in NameRestartFile
38000.0 CpuTimeMax
T DoCheckStop
-5000 DnCheckStop
2. DtCheckStop
200 DnShowProgressShort
2000 DnShowProgressLong
GM NameCompMaster
PC NameCompSlave
-1 DnCouple
0.02 DtCouple
GM NameComp
F DoCoupleOnTime
PC NameComp
F DoCoupleOnTime
#BEGIN_COMP GM ---------------------------------------------------------------
! Restart header for GM
T UseHyperbolicDivb
150.0 SpeedHypDim
0.1 HypDecay
GSE TypeCoordinate
T UseBody
0.5 rBody [rPlanet]
3.5 rCurrents [rPlanet]
39 BodyNDim [/cc]
2.32e5 BodyTDim [K]
14.0 FluidMass [amu]
1.0 AverageIonCharge [e]
1.0/18.0 ElectronTemperatureRatio
0.001 pMinDim
0.001 PeMinDim for electron pressure
0.1 RhoMinDim
F UseNonConservative
0 nConservCrit
one TypeRestartOutFile
---------------grid structure-----------------
spherical_lnr TypeGeometry
10 proc_dims(1) nRootBlockX
8 proc_dims(2) nRootBlockY
8 proc_dims(3), nRootBlockZ
-100 x1 xMin
100 x2 xMax
-100 y1 yMin
100 y2 yMax
-100 z1 zMin
100 z2 zMax
0.5 rMin
174.0 rMax > (sqrt(100^2+100^2+100^2))
2 nLevelArea
initial NameArea
2 nLevelArea
box_gen TypeRegion
1.1 rmin xMinBox
0.0 LonMin yMinBox
-65.0 LatMin zMinBox
4.0 rmax xMaxBox
360.0 LonMax yMaxBox
65.0 LatMax zMaxBox
1 nLevelArea
box_gen TypeRegion
5.0 rmin
-70.0 LonMin
35.0 LatMin
15.0 rmax
70.0 LonMax
65.0 Latmax
1 nLevelArea
box_gen TypeRegion
5.0 rmin
-70.0 LonMin
-35.0 LatMin
15.0 rmax
70.0 LonMax
-65.0 LatMax
----------------end grid structure--------------
1.0 xUnitPicSi [m]
4000.0e3 uUnitPicSi [m/s]
1 nPicRegion
-2.5 xMinCut
-1.125 xMaxCut
-2. yMinCut
2. yMaxCut
-2.2 zMinCut
2.2 zMaxCut
1/32 DxPic
1/32 DyPic
1/32 DzPic
---------------end PIC--------------
fixedb1 TypeCellBc1
none TypeCellBc2
periodic TypeCellBc3
periodic TypeCellBc4
periodic TypeCellBc5
periodic TypeCellBc6
fixed TypeBcXmin
fixed TypeBcXmax
float TypeBcYmin
float TypeBcYmax
float TypeBcZmin
float TypeBcZmax
coord1max xminbox xmaxbox StringBoundary
28.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Rho
140.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Ux
0.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Uy
0.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Uz
-7.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Bx
78.0 BoundaryStateDim_V By
-76.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Bz
0.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Hyp
0.1 BoundaryStateDim_V Pe
1.7 BoundaryStateDim_V p
coord1min solid StringBoundary
550.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Rho
0.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Ux
0.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Uy
0.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Uz
0.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Bx
0.0 BoundaryStateDim_V By
0.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Bz
0.0 BoundaryStateDim_V Hyp
0.01 BoundaryStateDim_V Pe
0.115 BoundaryStateDim_V p
T UseSolidState
user TypeBcSolid
sphere TypeSolidGeometry
1.0 rSolid
5e-3 SolidLimitDt
-------------end BC--------------
T UseResistivity
user TypeResistivity
0.0 Eta0Si
T UseUserInnerBcs
F UseUserSource
F UseUserPerturbation
F UseUserOuterBcs
T UseUserICs
F UseUserSpecifyRefinement
F UseUserLogFiles
F UseUserWritePlot
F UseUserAMR
F UseUserEchoInput
F UseUserB0
T UseUserInitSession
F UseUserUpdateStates
#USERINPUTBEGIN --------------------
1.0 PlanetRadius
5 nResistivPoints
1.05 Radius
0.0 Resistivity
0.95 Radius
6e11 Resistivity
0.7 Radius
6e11 Resistivity
0.65 Radius
6e9 Resistivity
0.55 Radius
0.0 Resistivity
#USERINPUTEND ----------------------
2 nStage
0.8 CflExlp
2 nOrder (1 or 2)
Sokolov TypeFlux (Roe, Rusanov, Linde, Sokolov
mc3 TypeLimiter
1.2 LimiterBeta
T UseSemiImplicit
resistivity TypeSemiImplicit
0.001 ErrorMaxKrylov
100 MaxMatvecKrylov
F UseUpdateCheck
F UsePoleDiffusion
T UseCoarseAxis
1 nCoarseLayer
T UseRaytrace (rest is read if true)
T UseAccurateTrace
0.1 DtExchangeRay [sec]
1 DnRaytrace
T UseHallResist (rest of parameters read only if true)
1.0 HallFactorMax
0.1 HallCmaxFactor
+hallbox -hallsphere -polars
hallbox NameRegion
box tapered NameHallRegion
-4 xMinBox
-4 yMinBox
-4 zMinBox
4 xMaxBox
4 yMaxBox
4 zMaxBox
0.5 Taper
hallsphere NameRegion
sphere0 tapered StringShape
1.05 Radius
0.05 Taper
polars NameRegion
doubleconez0 tapered StringShape
12 Height
2.0 Radius
0.2 Taper
T DoSaveLogfile
RAW StringLogfile
1 DnSaveLogfile
-1. DtSaveLogfile
7 nPlotFiles
x=0 VAR idl StringPlot
-1000 DnSavePlot
1. DtSavePlot
-1. Dx
{MHD} status NameVars
{default} NamePars
y=0 VAR idl StringPlot
-1000 DnSavePlot
1. DtSavePlot
-1. Dx
{MHD} status pic NameVars
{default} NamePars
z=0 VAR idl StringPlot
-1000 DnSavePlot
1. DtSavePlot
-1. Dx
{MHD} status pic NameVars
{default} NamePars
box VAR idl StringPlot
-5000 DnSavePlot
1. DtSavePlot
GSE TypeCoord
-1.0950 x0
-0.0330 y0
-0.3800 z0
1.2660 xLen
1/32 dX
15.3340 yLen
1/32 dY
0.1500 zLen
1/32 dZ
0. xAngle
0. yAngle
0. zAngle
bx by bz NameVars
{default} NamePars
box VAR idl StringPlot
-1 DnSavePlot
1. DtSavePlot
GSE TypeCoord
-1.1 x0
0.0 y0
0.0 z0
2.2 xLen
1/30 dX
2.2 yLen
1/30 dY
2.0 zLen
1/30 dZ
0. xAngle
0. yAngle
0. zAngle
{MHD} status NameVars
{default} NamePars
box VAR idl StringPlot
-1 DnSavePlot
1. DtSavePlot
GSE TypeCoord
1.0 x0
-1.8 y0
2.0 z0
7.0 xLen
1/32 dX
8.4 yLen
1/32 dY
0.01 zLen
1/32 dZ
0. xAngle
0. yAngle
0. zAngle
{MHD} status theta1 phi1 theta2 phi2 blk NameVars
{default} NamePars
cut MHD tcp StringPlot
-100 DnSavePlot
10. DtSavePlot
#END_COMP GM --------------------------------------------------------------
-30000 MaxIteration
1200. tSimulationMax
#BEGIN_COMP PC ---------------------------------------------------------------
F UseFixedDt
0.4 CFL
T useFixedDt
0.025 dt (SI unit)
T DoRrestart
-7.1428571 Charge/mass ratio (qom, 100/14)
T DoSmoothAll
4 nSmooth
0.5 InnerSmoothFactor
1.5 BCSmoothFactor
10 nBoundarySmooth
0.01 PoissonTol
20 PoissonIter
0.51 theta
0.0 gradRhoRatio
0.0 cDiff
0.1 ratioDivC2C
position_light divECleanType
1 nPower
1e-2 Tol
20 nIter
3 nIterNonLinear
6 Particles per cell in X region 1
6 Particles per cell in Y
6 Particles per cell in Z
1.0e-6 GMREStol : GMRES solver stopping criterium tolerance
100 nGMRESRestart
3 NiterMover : mover predictor corrector iteration
1 nPlotFile
3d var real4 planet StringPlot
-1 DnOutput
1.0 DtOutput
0 DxOutput
{fluid} qc divEc
#END_COMP PC -----------------------------------------------------------------
#GRID 10 procdims(1) nRootBlockX 8 procdims(2) nRootBlockY 8 proc_dims(3), nRootBlockZ -100 x1 xMin 100 x2 xMax -100 y1 yMin 100 y2 yMax -100 z1 zMin 100 z2 zMax
#LIMITRADIUS 0.5 rMin 174.0 rMax > (sqrt(100^2+100^2+100^2))
#GRIDLEVEL 2 nLevelArea initial NameArea
#GRIDLEVEL 2 nLevelArea box_gen TypeRegion 1.1 rmin xMinBox 0.0 LonMin yMinBox -65.0 LatMin zMinBox 4.0 rmax xMaxBox 360.0 LonMax yMaxBox 65.0 LatMax zMaxBox
#GRIDLEVEL 1 nLevelArea box_gen TypeRegion 5.0 rmin -70.0 LonMin 35.0 LatMin 15.0 rmax 70.0 LonMax 65.0 Latmax
#GRIDLEVEL 1 nLevelArea box_gen TypeRegion 5.0 rmin -70.0 LonMin -35.0 LatMin 15.0 rmax 70.0 LonMax -65.0 LatMax ––––––––end grid structure–––––––
#PICREGION 1 nPicRegion -2.5 xMinCut -1.125 xMaxCut -2. yMinCut
-2.2 zMinCut 2.2 zMaxCut 1/32 DxPic 1/32 DyPic 1/32 DzPic –––––––-end PIC–––––––
#BOXBOUNDARY fixed TypeBcXmin fixed TypeBcXmax float TypeBcYmin float TypeBcYmax float TypeBcZmin float TypeBcZmax
#BOUNDARYSTATE coord1max xminbox xmaxbox StringBoundary 28.0 BoundaryStateDimV Rho 140.0 BoundaryStateDimV Ux 0.0 BoundaryStateDimV Uy 0.0 BoundaryStateDimV Uz -7.0 BoundaryStateDimV Bx 78.0 BoundaryStateDimV By -76.0 BoundaryStateDimV Bz 0.0 BoundaryStateDimV Hyp 0.1 BoundaryStateDimV Pe 1.7 BoundaryStateDimV p
#BOUNDARYSTATE coord1min solid StringBoundary 550.0 BoundaryStateDimV Rho 0.0 BoundaryStateDimV Ux 0.0 BoundaryStateDimV Uy 0.0 BoundaryStateDimV Uz 0.0 BoundaryStateDimV Bx 0.0 BoundaryStateDimV By 0.0 BoundaryStateDimV Bz 0.0 BoundaryStateDimV Hyp 0.01 BoundaryStateDimV Pe 0.115 BoundaryStateDimV p
#SOLIDSTATE T UseSolidState user TypeBcSolid sphere TypeSolidGeometry 1.0 rSolid 5e-3 SolidLimitDt ––––––-end BC–––––––
#RESISTIVITY T UseResistivity user TypeResistivity 0.0 Eta0Si
#USERFLAGS T UseUserInnerBcs F UseUserSource F UseUserPerturbation F UseUserOuterBcs T UseUserICs F UseUserSpecifyRefinement F UseUserLogFiles F UseUserWritePlot F UseUserAMR F UseUserEchoInput F UseUserB0 T UseUserInitSession F UseUserUpdateStates
#RESISTIVEPLANET 1.0 PlanetRadius 5 nResistivPoints 1.05 Radius 0.0 Resistivity 0.95 Radius 6e11 Resistivity 0.7 Radius 6e11 Resistivity 0.65 Radius 6e9 Resistivity 0.55 Radius 0.0 Resistivity #USERINPUTEND –––––––––––
#TIMESTEPPING 2 nStage 0.8 CflExlp
#SCHEME 2 nOrder (1 or 2) Sokolov TypeFlux (Roe, Rusanov, Linde, Sokolov mc3 TypeLimiter 1.2 LimiterBeta
#SEMIIMPLICIT T UseSemiImplicit resistivity TypeSemiImplicit
#SEMIKRYLOV GMRES TypeKrylov (GMRES, BICGSTAB, CG) 0.001 ErrorMaxKrylov 100 MaxMatvecKrylov
#COARSEAXIS F UsePoleDiffusion T UseCoarseAxis 1 nCoarseLayer
#RAYTRACE T UseRaytrace (rest is read if true) T UseAccurateTrace 0.1 DtExchangeRay [sec] 1 DnRaytrace
#HALLRESISTIVITY T UseHallResist (rest of parameters read only if true) 1.0 HallFactorMax 0.1 HallCmaxFactor
#HALLREGION +hallbox -hallsphere -polars 0
#REGION hallbox NameRegion box tapered NameHallRegion -4 xMinBox -4 yMinBox -4 zMinBox 4 xMaxBox 4 yMaxBox 4 zMaxBox 0.5 Taper
#REGION hallsphere NameRegion sphere0 tapered StringShape 1.05 Radius 0.05 Taper
#REGION polars NameRegion doubleconez0 tapered StringShape 12 Height 2.0 Radius 0.2 Taper
#SAVELOGFILE T DoSaveLogfile RAW StringLogfile 1 DnSaveLogfile -1. DtSaveLogfile
#SAVEPLOT 7 nPlotFiles x=0 VAR idl StringPlot -1000 DnSavePlot
-1. Dx {MHD} status NameVars {default} NamePars y=0 VAR idl StringPlot -1000 DnSavePlot
-1. Dx {MHD} status pic NameVars {default} NamePars z=0 VAR idl StringPlot -1000 DnSavePlot
-1. Dx {MHD} status pic NameVars {default} NamePars box VAR idl StringPlot -5000 DnSavePlot
GSE TypeCoord -1.0950 x0 -0.0330 y0 -0.3800 z0 1.2660 xLen 1/32 dX 15.3340 yLen 1/32 dY 0.1500 zLen 1/32 dZ
bx by bz NameVars {default} NamePars box VAR idl StringPlot -1 DnSavePlot
GSE TypeCoord -1.1 x0 0.0 y0 0.0 z0 2.2 xLen 1/30 dX 2.2 yLen 1/30 dY 2.0 zLen 1/30 dZ
{MHD} status NameVars {default} NamePars box VAR idl StringPlot -1 DnSavePlot
GSE TypeCoord 1.0 x0 -1.8 y0 2.0 z0 7.0 xLen 1/32 dX 8.4 yLen 1/32 dY 0.01 zLen 1/32 dZ
{MHD} status theta1 phi1 theta2 phi2 blk NameVars {default} NamePars cut MHD tcp StringPlot -100 DnSavePlot 10. DtSavePlot
#END_COMP GM –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
#STOP -30000 MaxIteration 1200. tSimulationMax
#BEGIN_COMP PC –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-
TEST writeplotinit
#TIMESTEPPING F useSWMFDt T useFixedDt 0.025 dt (SI unit)
#RESTART T DoRrestart
#ELECTRON -7.1428571 Charge/mass ratio (qom, 100/14)
SMOOTHE T DoSmoothAll 4 nSmooth 0.5 InnerSmoothFactor 1.5 BCSmoothFactor 10 nBoundarySmooth
#POISSON T 100000000 0.01 PoissonTol 20 PoissonIter
#DISCRETIZATION 0.51 theta 0.0 gradRhoRatio 0.0 cDiff 0.1 ratioDivC2C
#DIVE position_light divECleanType 1 nPower 1e-2 Tol 20 nIter 3 nIterNonLinear
#PARTICLES 6 Particles per cell in X region 1 6 Particles per cell in Y 6 Particles per cell in Z
SOLVER 1.0e-6 GMREStol : GMRES solver stopping criterium tolerance 100 nGMRESRestart 3 NiterMover : mover predictor corrector iteration
#SAVEIDL 1 nPlotFile 3d var real4 planet StringPlot -1 DnOutput 1.0 DtOutput 0 DxOutput {fluid} qc divEc
#END_COMP PC ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––- ```
If a run crashes and the restart time is earlier, when you restart from the earlier time, there will be duplicate output files generated. These files typically have identical time tag (txxxxxx
) but different iteration step tag (nxxxxxx
). One automated way to clean this up is to check which one comes later and delete the eariler one. However, this is not available as of 2024/06/21.