where the current in the Hall term has already been replaced by the curvature of B. The last term can either represent collision/physical resistivity, or artificial resistivity/numerical diffusion.
The magnetic fields evolve according to Faraday's law
Finally, by determining the electron pressure tensor by using an appropriate equation of state, the evolution of the system can be followed in time. For example, let where is the isotropic scalar electron pressure. In the simplest form
where and ???
The conventional hybrid simulation model dealing with kinetic ions and a massless charge-neutralizing electron fluid is known to be susceptible to numerical instability due to divergence of the whistler-mode wave dispersion, as well as division-by-density operation in regions of low density. Consequently, a pure vacuum region is not allowed to exist in the simulation domain unless some ad hoc technique is used.
The finite electron inertia correction is proposed to solve the whistler-mode wave dispersion issue. The conventional way to include a finite electron inertia correction into the hybrid model is to introduce the following so-called generalized electromagnetic field , defined as
in which the terms proportional to represent electron inertia correction.
From the equation of motion for the electron fluid, it may be shown that
which is similar to the generalized Ohm's law but now with the last term which also represents the correction. is obtain from Equation (6).
Given the generalized electric field , one can advance the generalized magnetic field by using Faraday's law, which can be easily checked to satisfy
Further simplifications are commonly adopted; for example, the electric field correction term and electron-scale spatial variation of density are often ignored. In this case, the magnetic field may be recovered by solving the equation
and is assumed. The nice feature with this approach is that the correction can be implemented as a post process to the each integration step of a standard procedure.
Apparently new methods are still being proposed because the inclusion of electron inertia term along cannot solve all the issues. Amano+, 2014 suggests another way to solve for the electric field
which can be reduced to the Laplace equation in near-vacuum region, presenting no numerical difficulty.
Besides, the electron velocity is redefined
where the minimum density is an artificially set value.
In a hybrid system, the maximum phase velocity is the electron Alfvén speed, which goes to infinity when . However, when doing calculations we only have ion Alfvén speed
To keep the maximum phase velocity always below the CFL condition, one may use a modified electron mass ratio defined as
instead of the physical electron mass . Here is the Alfvén speed calculated from the local density and magnetic field, and is the maximum allowed Courant number ().
Easier said than done.