

Hongyang Zhou


January 25, 2022


April 21, 2022





  • 异常丝滑,这是传统C/C++生态圈无法比拟的。
  • Hello world可执行文件只有几兆,匹敌所有编译语言。
  • 所有依赖统一由Cargo管理,不存在找不到的问题。
  • Cargo自带了编译和运行功能,相当于集成了Make。

Core features

  • Rust has a strong, static type system. However, it also has type inference. Every type must be known at compile time.
  • Rust allows shadowing of variables.
  • Ownership is a key concept to the language.
    • Each value in Rust has a variable that’s called its owner.
    • There can only be one owner at a time.
    • When the owner goes out of scope, the value will be dropped.
  • Zero-based indexing.
  • In function signatures, you must declare the type of each parameter.
  • Distinguished expression and statement.
  • Rust will never automatically create “deep” copies of data.
  • References (&) refer to some value without taking ownership of it.
    • At any given time, you can have either one mutable reference or any number of immutable references.
    • References must always be valid.
  • Rust deliberately avoids the concept of null for safety.
  • Traits are Rust’s way of doing generic programming.
  • Matches are exhaustive: we must exhaust every last possibility in order for that code to be valid.
  • Iterators
  • Closures
  • Automatic referencing and dereferencing, so the equivalent of -> operator in C++ is not needed.
  • Lifetimes
    • Elision rules:
      1. Each parameter that is a reference gets its own lifetime parameter.
      2. If there is exactly one input lifetime parameters, that lifetime is assigned to all output lifetime parameters.
      3. If there are multiple input lifetime parameters, but one of them is &self or &mut self because this is a method, the lifetime of self is assgiend to all output lifetime parameters.






这几年采用网络技术开发桌面应用的Electron项目很火,包括我经常使用的Visual Studio Code在内很多大项目都是基于Electron框架开发的。而基于Rust从零开始开发的跨平台竞品Tauri,能把Linux版本的installer大小砍到1/12,内存使用砍到1/2.5,启动时间砍到1/2。所有的新东西诞生的目的就是为了弥补前一代的缺陷,包括Rust本身也一样。基于一个基本想法,带领一个技术潮流。我愿意看到更多Rust项目挑战存在几十年的C++生态圈。


这套关于堆上面的拥有和变量借贷的逻辑一开始需要一段时间适应,但适应了以后会觉得事情本该如此。回想多少次因为莫名其妙的内存问题导致的segmentation fault,Rust诞生的初衷,就是再也不想在运行时看到这些错误了。

Rust的type inference和Julia的师出同门,和C++的auto也类似。而更进一步,Rust中绝大部分时候变量的lifetime也是inferred,而Julia中是garbage collected,C++中则全是程序员的责任。在某些情况下,Rust compiler需要程序员帮忙才能分析出输入输出的lifetime,这就引入了大部分别的语言没有的lifetime annotations。



张汉东,2021年Rust年度报告的作者,写道: > Rust的出现并不是要你去用它重写一切,而是希望你可以用它创造新的未来。 > We choose to use Rust, not because it is easy, but because it is hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.