R Notes


Hongyang Zhou


January 6, 2023


January 7, 2023

R is popular among statisticians and biologists. It is one of the most commonly used languages in data analysis.


R’s basic syntax is C-like. There are a few special usages compared to other languages:

  1. <- is R’s way to express assign a value to a variable. It can also direct the other way, i.e. ->. Sometimes it is equivalent to =, but in some places only <- is allowed. The recommended way is to use <- and forget that equals is ever allowed.
  2. <-- is R’s global assigner. It can set global variables in a local scope.
  3. c() is for combine scalars into vectors.
  4. list() is for creating a collection with multiple object types (similar to tuple in other languages).
  5. R’s vectorization is similar to MATLAB, but not strictly consistent. If you attempt to use a non-vectorized function on a vector, you will get warnings. apply() is like map() in Julia. There are more functions in the apply family.
  6. R uses one-based indexes (GREAT!).
  7. Integers in R are shown as e.g. 2L. 3 is assumed to be the same as 3.0, i.e. numeric.
  8. Terminating R expressions: R doesn’t need semicolons to end a line of code (while it’s possible to put multiple commands on a single line separated by semicolons, you don’t see that very often). Instead, R uses line breaks (i.e., new line characters) to determine when an expression has ended.
  9. Last but not least, R is a case-sensitive language, consistent with the trend in most modern languages.

Advanced R

The tricks are more-or-less similar to MATLAB and Python, such as vectorization, lazy evaluation, and integrating faster languages like C++. See more in Advanced R.