Advanced Python
Good languages stop you from writing stupid codes; bad languages allow you to write more stupid codes. Do not live on ancient code until death! Latest things are not necessarily better: balance between new technology and old experience.
Even though I think Python is slow, it does not mean that I cannot learn it or learn from it. Now it seems more and more obvious to me that there are some neat advanced tricks you can do in Python.
New things are cool. However, they don’t always work. For example, pytorch hasn’t been able to work with Python 12 two months after its release.
Practical tips and tricks:
A nice intermediate Python course: Python for Scientific Computing — Python for Scientific Computing documentation It is not about the language itself, but more about how to use it efficiently as a researcher.
Refurb is a tool for refurbishing and modernizing Python codebases.
More often than not I find myself unsatisfied with the default Python or package version on a target machine. In these cases we may want to install Python ourselves. If any of the following commands require higher privileges, simply add sudo in the front and type your password.
- Download source code:
- Extract archive:
tar xzvf Python-3.11.7.tgz
- Configure Makefile:
./configure --enable-optimizations --enable-shared
is important for external programs calling Python methods and APIs on the binary level.
- Compile and install:
make altinstall
is used to prevent replacing the default python binary file /usr/bin/python
- Check:
python3.11 -V
pip3.11 -V
If on Windows, it would be as simple as downloading the official executable file and follow the installer.
Package Manager: PIP
The default package manager for Python is pip
. It can be installed following the guideline or via the installation manager app. It is recommended to use pip as
python3.11 -m pip install -U matplotlib
instead of calling pip
alone to prevent mismatch of pip and python version.
Dependency Manager: Pipenv
python -m pip install -U pipenv
Dependency Manager: Poetry
Poetry is a better dependency manager. I should use poetry
over pipenv
if possible.
Use pipx
to install poetry for avoiding self update issues.
Optional dependencies are not installed by default:
D:\Computer\pyvlasiator>poetry install
Installing dependencies from lock file
Package operations: 0 installs, 0 updates, 7 removals
- Removing contourpy (1.3.1)
- Removing cycler (0.12.1)
- Removing fonttools (4.55.0)
- Removing kiwisolver (1.4.7)
- Removing matplotlib (3.9.2)
- Removing pillow (11.0.0)
- Removing pyparsing (3.2.0)
Installing the current project: pyvlasiator (0.1.0)
D:\Computer\pyvlasiator>poetry install --all-extras
Installing dependencies from lock file
Package operations: 7 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Installing contourpy (1.3.1)
- Installing cycler (0.12.1)
- Installing fonttools (4.55.0)
- Installing kiwisolver (1.4.7)
- Installing pillow (11.0.0)
- Installing pyparsing (3.2.0)
- Installing matplotlib (3.9.2)
Installing the current project: pyvlasiator (0.1.0)
While using pytest
, any Python scripts with test
in their name will be executed.
When a new version of a dependent package is released in PyPI, poetry does not automatically update its cache. To manually synchronize the package version list, first cleanup the cache:
poetry cache clear --all .
and then update:
poetry update
Registering in PyPI
Follow this guide.
On Windows, put .pypirc under C:\Users\YourName\.pypirc
for avoiding typing API-tokens when uploading.
python -m build
python -m twine upload dist/*
Install from PyPI:
python -m pip install pyvlasiator
Virtual Environments
It is possible to handle your customized Python packages with Virtual Environment at a lower level. While pipenv
is attached to a specific Python version, virtual environments completely isolate the python executable as well as all the required packages. The basic workflow is:
- Find a specific Python version
- Create a directory for your packages, e.g
virtualenv python352
to start the virtual environmentsource bin/activate
to activate the virtual environmentmodule load Python/3.8.6-GCCcore-10.2.0
pip install --prefix python352 mypackage
to install the required packages
To leave virtual environments, just say deactivate
module load Python/3.8.2-GCCcore-9.3.0
virtualenv ~/proj/virtual_python3.8.2/
source /home/hongyang/proj/virtual_python3.8.2/bin/activate
However, see [Conda][#miniconda] for a better approach.
I found conda, or miniconda a more reliable way to handle packages as a bundle. Even miniconda is pretty large though (claimed to be 300 MB when first installed, but quickly became 3GB+). Miniconda comes with its own Python version and pip
is available by default in Python 3.3 and later, and installs pip
into created virtual environments in Python 3.4 and later (Python versions prior to 3.12 also installed Setuptools).
Recap of the basics
Let’s start from some common operations that for non-native Python programmers like me can be easily confused.
= [1,2] # in native Python, there is only list type, no array/vector type
x = [3,4]
y = x + y # [1,2,3,4], similar to [x;y] in Julia ls_sum
= [0] * 2 # equivalent to repeat([0], 2) in Julia a
Variable bindings:
= [1,2]
x = [3,4]
y = x
z += y # equivalent to append!(x, y) in Julia, not x = [x;y] because of z x
for i in range(istart:iend) # equivalent to istart:iend-1 in many other languages
= [1,2,3,4]
x -1] # equivalent to x[end], i.e. the last element x[
By default Python adopts arbitrary precision arithmetic to avoid overflow issues. This is not the case for most languages.
Ok, now we move on to talk about some cool stuffs and tricks in Python.
Type hint
After Python 3.5, you can now add type hints to function arguments. This will help you guarantee that the correct argument types have been passed. Besides avoiding bugs, it is also very helpful for automating the translation from Python to other languages.1
Python从3.5版本以后也支持函数参数的类型指定了。看来MATLAB和Python也都在逐步改进啊。但是这个只是用来做标记的,实际运行的时候不会检查;所以我们需要一个static type checker。在3.8版本以后有专门的原生库支持这项功能。
Function arguments
The flexibility of Python can be reflected from the fact how function arguments work. You are allowed to mix position args, keyword args, and varargs all together. Check this video for more!
This is really cool stuff. In Julia they are called macros, but essentially the same thing. In computer science, they belong to the category of metaprogramming. Decorator allows you to modify the raw code before the interpreter comes in to “decorate” your code. This applies to, for instance, the implementation of memoization, dataclass after Python 3.7, logging wrapper and many more. I have also seen this in ParaViews’ Python interface.
To be a master in Python, you have to use it elegantly.
Scripts VS Methods
For a script, alway add
__name__ == '__main__':
If main()
to the end! This is a good practice
- To tell users that this is a script that can actually run, but not a library
- To avoid accidental global variables
- To make your script runs faster (because it’s inside a function)
This is introduced after 3.6, which is a new way to handle string outputs.
= "Eric"
name = 74
age = 10.1234
a print(f"Hello, {name}. You are {age}.")
print(f"{2 * 37}")
print(f"{name.lower()} is funny.")
print(f'{a:.2f}') # '10.12'
# Multiline f-Strings
= "Eric"
name = "comedian"
profession = "Monty Python"
affiliation = (
message_oneline f"Hi {name}. "
f"You are a {profession}. "
f"You were in {affiliation}."
= f"""
message_multiline Hi {name}.
You are a {profession}.
You were in {affiliation}.
Wow, this is a great alternative in many situations to the traditional classes after 3.7! The main advantage is to avoid boilerplate codes.
from dataclasses import dataclass
class Person:
name: str
address: bool = True
active: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
def main() -> None:
= Person(name="John, address="123 Main St")
person print(person)
Bonus tip: Python class properties can be read-only by making them immutable.
from dataclasses import dataclass
class Person:
name: str address:
Special Numbers
If I remember correctly, the integers -5-256 are treated differently (hard-coded, i.e. always refer to the same constants):
= 2
a = 2
b is b # true
a = 257
c = 257
d is d # false c
Note that this is NOT the case in Julia. (Check with ===
One lesson I learned about Numpy was that it is very tricky to mix numpy types with intrinsic Python types. To convert a numpy type to an intrinsic numeric type, we need the item()
import numpy as np
= (4, 4, 4)
a = # <class 'numpy.uint64'>
b = # <class 'int'> c
A practical application is whether we should use tuples or numpy arrays to store coordinates. Unlike Julia where the compiler can specialize tuples, Python tuples can contain any type of elements which is less efficient in storage. numpy arrays guarantee the consistence of the type of each array, which makes it a better choice for storing coordinates. However, the downside is that numpy arrays are mutable. To overcome this, we can set the WRITEABLE
flag for the array to False
import numpy as np
= np.arange(3)
a = False
# a[0] = 0
# ValueError: assignment destination is read-only
This makes numpy arrays immutable!
Python has a special literal called Ellipsis, or ...
. It is used for several different purposes:
- As a convenient slice notation, especially with Numpy:
import numpy as np
= np.random.randint(1,10)
dimensions = 2
items_per_dimension = items_per_dimension**dimensions
max_items = np.repeat(items_per_dimension, dimensions)
axes = np.arange(max_items).reshape(axes) arr
In this example, you’re creating an array that can have up to ten dimensions. You could use NumPy’s .ndim()
to find out how many dimensions arr has. But in a case like this, using ...
is a better way:
0] arr[...,
Check out NumPy: Ellipsis (…) for ndarray to discover more use cases for these three little dots.
- As a type hint for homogeneous types or substitute for a list of arguments to a callable:
tuple[int, ...] # must be a tuple that contains only integers
# Allowed:
= ()
numbers = (1,)
numbers = (4, 5, 6, 99)
# Not allowed:
= (1, "a")
numbers = [1, 3] numbers
Using ...
within a tuple type hint means that you expect all items to be of the same type in the tuple.
from typing import Callable
def add_one(i: int) -> int:
return i + 1
def multiply_with(x: int, y: int) -> int:
return x * y
def as_pixels(i: int) -> str:
return f"{i}px"
def calculate(i: int, action: Callable[..., int], *args: int) -> int:
return action(i, *args)
# Works:
1, add_one)
calculate(1, multiply_with, 3)
# Doesn't work:
1, 3)
calculate(1, as_pixels) calculate(
By using `Callable[…, int]``, you say that you don’t mind how many and which types of arguments the callable accepts. Yet, you’ve specified that it must return an integer.
- As a “nop” placeholder for code that hasn’t been written yet:
def will_do_something():