VDFs along a line
This demo shows how to plot velocity distribution functions along a line.
using VlasiatorPyPlot, JLD2
using Vlasiator: RE # Earth radius [m]
function main()
## Plot velocity space distributions
xloc = range(7.0, 10.0, step=2.35)
yloc = range(-0.0, 5.0, step=2.35)
zloc = 0.0
CIs = CartesianIndices((1:length(xloc), 1:length(yloc)))
fig, axs = plt.subplots(length(xloc), length(yloc), sharex=true, sharey=true)
for i in CIs
loc = RE .* [xloc[i[1]], yloc[i[2]], zloc]
vdfslice(meta, loc, axs[i]; verbose=false)
for a in axs[end,:] a.set_xlabel("vx [km/s]") end
for a in axs[: ,1] a.set_ylabel("vy [km/s]") end
## Subtract data of cells with VDF
file = "test/data/bulk.1d.vlsv"
meta = load(file)
species = "proton"
init_cellswithVDF!(meta, species)
cells = meta.meshes[species].cellwithVDF
ρ = zeros(Float64, size(cells))
v = zeros(Float64, 3, size(cells)...)
p = zeros(Float64, size(cells))
vsize = meta.meshes["proton"].vblocksize .* meta.meshes["proton"].vblocks
vcellids = [Int[] for _ in cells]
vcellf = [Float64[] for _ in cells]
for (i, cell) in enumerate(cells)
ρ[i] = readvariable(meta, "proton/vg_rho", cell)[1]
v[i] = readvariable(meta, "proton/vg_v", cell)[1]
p[i] = readvariable(meta, "vg_pressure", cell)[1]
vcellids[i], vcellf[i] = readvcells(meta, cell)
jldopen("example.jld2", "a+") do file
file["file1/density"] = ρ
file["file1/velocity"] = v
file["file1/pressure"] = p
file["file1/VDF"] = vcellf
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