Energy spectrum at a fixed point
This demo shows how to plot energy spectrum of oscillations at a fixed point.
using FFTW, JLD2, CurveFit, PyPlot
using Vlasiator: RE
function main()
file = "satellites_uniform_sampled.jld2"
data = JLD2.load(file)
nSatellite = length(data["t"])
nI, nJ = size(data["rho"])[2:3]
t = data["t"]
# Select spatial point
i, j = 5, 5
var = data["rho"][:,i,j]
dt = t[2] - t[1] # uniform sample interval [s]
Fs = 1 / dt # sample frequency, [Hz]
Fn = Fs / 2 # Nyquist frequency, [Hz]
## Frequency calculation
nPoints = length(var)
nFFT = nPoints
df = Fs / nFFT
freq_fullrange = -Fn:df:Fn
freq = freq_fullrange[(nPoints ÷ 2 + 1):end-1]
var_freq = fft(var)
var_power = abs.(fftshift(var_freq))[(nPoints ÷ 2 + 1):end]
# k is the exponential coefficient
a, k = @views power_fit(freq[10:end], var_power[10:end])
loglog(freq, var_power)
min_power, max_power = extrema(@view var_power[10:end])
xlim(freq[8], Fs)
ylim(min_power * 0.75, max_power * 2.0)
xlabel("Frequency [Hz]"; fontsize=14)
ylabel("Power Density "; fontsize=14)
title(string(round.(data["locations"][i,j]./RE, digits=1))*"Re"; fontsize=14)
loglog(freq[10:end], a.*freq[10:end].^k, label="k = $(round(k, digits=1))")
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