Field lines with customized seeds
This demo shows how to plot field lines with handpicked seeds.
using VlasiatorPyPlot, FieldTracer
using Vlasiator: RE # Earth radius, [m]
function main()
file = "../../bulk.0000999.vlsv"
meta = load(file)
(;coordmin, coordmax, ncells) = meta
pcolormesh(meta, "proton/vg_rho", colorscale=Linear)
dim_ =
if ncells[2] == 1
elseif ncells[3] == 1
@error "Not implemented for ncells = $ncells."
# NonAMR Cartesian mesh
grid1 = range(coordmin[dim_[1]], coordmax[dim_[1]], length=ncells[dim_[1]])
grid2 = range(coordmin[dim_[2]], coordmax[dim_[2]], length=ncells[dim_[2]])
ns1 = 14 # number of seeding points on the dayside
ns2 = 10 # number of seeding points on the nightside
ns4 = 4 # number of seeding points in the polar region
seeds = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 2, ns1+2*ns2+2*ns4)
for i in 1:ns1
seeds[1,i] = coordmax[dim_[1]] / ns1 * (i - 1)
seeds[2,i] = 0.0
for i in 1:ns2
seeds[1,ns1+i] = -10RE
seeds[2,ns1+i] = coordmin[dim_[2]] +
(coordmax[dim_[2]] - coordmin[dim_[2]]) / ns2 * (i - 1)
seeds[1,ns1+ns2+i] = -30RE
seeds[2,ns1+ns2+i] = coordmin[dim_[2]] +
(coordmax[dim_[2]] - coordmin[dim_[2]]) / ns2 * (i - 1)
for i in 1:ns4
seeds[1,ns1+2*ns2+i] = -20RE + 10RE*(i - 1)
seeds[2,ns1+2*ns2+i] = 30RE
seeds[1,ns1+2*ns2+ns4+i] = -20RE + 10RE*(i - 1)
seeds[2,ns1+2*ns2+ns4+i] = -30RE
b = meta["vg_b_vol"]
b1 = reshape(b[dim_[1],:], ncells[dim_[1]], ncells[dim_[2]])
b2 = reshape(b[dim_[2],:], ncells[dim_[1]], ncells[dim_[2]])
for i = axes(seeds,2)
startx, starty = seeds[:,i]
x1, y1 = trace(b1, b2, startx, starty, grid1, grid2;
ds=0.5, maxstep=3000, gridtype="ndgrid")
x1 ./= RE
y1 ./= RE
if length(x1) < 5; continue; end
line = plot(x1, y1, color="w")
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