Find X-points in 2D
This example shows how to find X-points in a 2D magnetic reconnection configuration and save the coordinates as well as extracted reconnection rate Ey from multiple outputs. Here we assume a X-Z plane.
using JLD2: jldsave
using Vlasiator, ProgressMeter
function main()
files = filter(contains(r"^bulk.*\.vlsv$"), readdir())
nG = 2 # number of ghost cells
x, z, dx = load(files[1]) do meta
LinRange(meta.coordmin[1], meta.coordmax[1], meta.ncells[1]) ./ Vlasiator.RE,
LinRange(meta.coordmin[3], meta.coordmax[3], meta.ncells[3]) ./ Vlasiator.RE,
[meta.dcoord[1], meta.dcoord[3]]
xmin_ = searchsortedfirst(x, 7.0)
xmax_ = searchsortedlast(x, 9.0)
zmin_ = searchsortedfirst(z, -4.0)
zmax_ = searchsortedlast(z, 4.0)
x_points_x = Vector{Vector{eltype(x)}}(undef, 0)
x_points_z = similar(x_points_x)
@showprogress 5 "Finding X-points..." for ifile in eachindex(files)
meta = load(files[ifile])
b = meta["vg_b_vol"]
b = reshape(b, 3, meta.ncells[1], meta.ncells[3])
flux = compute_flux_function(b, dx, nG)
indices_x, _ = find_reconnection_points(flux[xmin_:xmax_,zmin_:zmax_], 5e-3)
push!(x_points_x, x[indices_x[1,:].+xmin_.-1])
push!(x_points_z, z[indices_x[2,:].+zmin_.-1])
## Extract Ey at X-points
ey = Vector{Vector{Float32}}(undef, 0)
for it in eachindex(x_points_x)
meta = load(files[it])
ids = Vector{Int}(undef, length(x_points_x[it]))
for ip in eachindex(x_points_x[it])
loc = [x_points_x[it][ip], 0.0, x_points_z[it][ip]] .* Vlasiator.RE
ids[ip] = getcell(meta, loc)
ey_now = readvariable(meta, "vg_e_vol", ids)[2,:]
push!(ey, ey_now)
# save
jldsave("x_point_locations.jld2"; x_points_x, x_points_z, ey)
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