Extract variables along a line

Author Update time

To extract variables along a line across multiple frames using multithreads,

using Vlasiator
using JLD2: jldsave

function main()
   files = filter(contains(r"^bulk.*\.vlsv$"), readdir())
   nfile = length(files)
   # Define end points of the line in Earth radius
   x1, x2 = 6.0, 20.0
   point1 = [x1, 0, 0] .* Vlasiator.RE
   point2 = [x2, 0, 0] .* Vlasiator.RE
   # Extract cell info along the line
   cellids, distances, coords =
      load(files[1]) do meta
         getcellinline(meta, point1, point2)
   # WARNING: this may not be exact due to round-off errors in output time stamps!
   t = let tstart = load(files[1]).time, tend = load(files[end]).time
      range(round(tstart,digits=1), round(tend, digits=1), length=nfile)

   n = zeros(Float32, length(cellids), nfile)
   v = zeros(Float32, 3, length(cellids), nfile)
   p = zeros(Float32, 6, length(cellids), nfile)
   b = similar(v)
   e = similar(v)

   Threads.@threads for i in eachindex(files)
      println("i = $i/$nfile, file = $(files[i])")
      local meta = load(files[i])

      n[:,i] = readvariable(meta, "proton/vg_rho", cellids)
      v[:,:,i] = readvariable(meta, "proton/vg_v", cellids)
      p[1:3,:,i] = readvariable(meta, "proton/vg_ptensor_diagonal", cellids)
      p[4:6,:,i] = readvariable(meta, "proton/vg_ptensor_offdiagonal", cellids)
      b[:,:,i] = readvariable(meta, "vg_b_vol", cellids)
      e[:,:,i] = readvariable(meta, "vg_e_vol", cellids)

   # Save into binary file
   jldsave("vars_sun_earth_line.jld2"; x1, x2, t, n, v, p, b, e)

   println("Line extraction finished!")


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