Advanced Boris tracing

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This example shows how to trace charged particles using the Boris method in dimensionless units with additionally boundary check. If the particles travel out of the domain specified by the field, the tracing will stop. Check Demo: Dimensionless Units for explaining the unit conversion, and Demo: Boris Method for introducing the Boris method.

using TestParticle
using TestParticle: qᵢ, mᵢ
using StaticArrays
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using CairoMakie

uniform_B(x) = SA[0.0, 0.0, 0.01]
uniform_E(x) = SA[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

"Set initial states."
function prob_func(prob, i, repeat)
   prob = @views remake(prob; u0 = [prob.u0[1:3]..., 10.0 - i*2.0, prob.u0[5:6]...])

function isoutofdomain(xv, p, t)
   if isnan(xv[1])
      return true
      return false

# Number of cells for the field along each dimension
nx, ny = 4, 6
# Unit conversion factors between SI and dimensionless units
B₀ = 10e-9            # [T]
Ω = abs(qᵢ) * B₀ / mᵢ # [1/s]
t₀ = 1 / Ω            # [s]
U₀ = 1.0              # [m/s]
l₀ = U₀ * t₀          # [m]
E₀ = U₀*B₀            # [V/m]

x = range(0, 11, length=nx) # [l₀]
y = range(-21, 0, length=ny) # [l₀]

B = fill(0.0, 3, nx, ny) # [B₀]
B[3,:,:] .= 1.0

E(x) = SA[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # [E₀]

# If bc == 1, we set a NaN value outside the domain (default);
# If bc == 2, we set periodic boundary conditions.
param = prepare(x, y, E, B; species=User, bc=1);

Note that we set a radius of 10, so the trajectory extent from -20 to 0 in y, and -10 to 10 in x. After half a cycle, the particle will move into the region where is field is not defined. The tracing will stop with the final step being all NaNs.

# Initial conditions to be modified in prob_func
x0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # initial position [l₀]
u0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # initial velocity [v₀]
stateinit = [x0..., u0...]
tspan = (0.0, 1.5π) # 3/4 gyroperiod

dt = 0.1
savestepinterval = 1
trajectories = 2
prob = TraceProblem(stateinit, tspan, param; prob_func)

sols = TestParticle.solve(prob; dt, savestepinterval, isoutofdomain, trajectories)

f = Figure(fontsize = 18)
ax = Axis(f[1, 1],
   title = "Proton trajectory",
   xlabel = "X",
   ylabel = "Y",
   limits = (-10.1, 10.1, -20.1, 0.1),
   aspect = DataAspect()

for i in eachindex(sols)
   lines!(ax, sols[i]; idxs=(1, 2), label=string(i), color=Makie.wong_colors()[i])

axislegend(position=:lt, framevisible=false)

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