This section contains thorough examples for using TestParticle.jl. If you prefer to run the demos on your local computer with interactive support, we suggest switching from using CairoMakie
(which is a Makie frontend for static 2D rendering) to using GLMakie
(which is another Makie frontend for interactive 3D rendering).
Demonstrate energy conservation in uniform fields. |
Simple electron trajectory under uniform B and zero E |
Simple proton trajectory under uniform B and zero E |
Tracing charged particle in dimensionless units |
Tracing charged particle in dimensionless units and periodic boundary |
Tracing charged particle in both dimensional and dimensionless units. |
Simple particle trajectories under uniform B and zero E |
Tracing multiple charged particles in a static EM field |
Simple ExB drift demonstration |
Simple proton trajectory under uniform B and gravity |
Simple magnetic field gradient drift demonstration |
Simple magnetic field curvature drift demonstration |
Finite Larmor radius effect demonstration using Makie |
Simple polarization drift under time-varying E field |
Boris ensemble tracing with field out-of-domain check |
Tracing multiple charged particles in a static EM field |
Tracing one charged particle with additional diagnostics |
Tracing multiple charged particles in a static EM field |
Tracing charged particle in the Harris current sheet |
Charged particle in the magnetic mirror |
Tracing charged particle in a magnetic bottle |
Tracing charged particle in a static analytic dipole magnetic field |
Tracing charged particle in an analytical magnetosphere |
Tracing charged particle in an MHD plane shock |
Fermi acceleration demonstration |
Tracing protons in a Tokamak |
Tracing passing and trapped proton in a Tokamak |
Demonstrate the GC solvers |
This demo shows how to trace particles from structured SWMF outputs |
Tracing multiple charged particles in a static EM field using GPU |